Joanna Sass

Born in 1976. A graduate of Theatre Studies and a Ph.D. student at the Faculty of Languages of the University of Gdańsk. 

Her Master’s thesis concentrated on the theatrical aspects of Bruno Schulz’s fiction; now she is preparing her Ph.D. dissertation on Schulz’s life in Vienna. She is a member of the jury at the European Classic Festival (Festiwal Klasyki Europejskiej) in Rzeszów. She is also the author of entries on theatre in the Słownik Schulzowski (Schulz Dictionary) and of two articles and an interview in Gdańsk jest teatrem. Her academic interests concern anthropology and the theory of theatre, Polish-German intercultural dialogue, the history theatre and the affinity of Schulz’s fictiom with the reformist thought of the interwar period. (transl. mw)