Roksana Blech

Holds a PhD in Literary Studies.

She is the author of two monographs: To i owo... Szkice o Bolesławie Prusie (2015) and O „Faraonie” Bolesława Prusa. Studium monograficzne (2017), a number of academic articles and of a foreword to the latest critical edition of Faraon (2014). She has edited two post-conference volumes: Furia. Literatura – język – film (2015) and Doświadczenia Dukaja (2016). Engaged in numerous international and national academic conferences. The winner of the Polish Academy of Sciences award for young scholars for the best research paper in the humanities (2016), the award of the Scientific Society of Gdańsk and the President of Gdańsk for the best PhD dissertation in the humanities and social sciences (2017), and the award of the University of Gdańsk Press for the best postdoctoral book (2018).

In this project, she is preparing a complete and verified subject bibliography for the “Calendar of Life, Work, and Reception of Bruno Schulz”. She is a member of the Schulz Laboratory where she takes care of its library collections. (transl. mw)