end of summer 1933

Drogobych. Bruno Schulz becomes a daily guest in Józefina Szelińska’s home.

After Szelińska’s* return from vacation in Jastarnia a relationship ensues between them. At that time she lives on Sobieskiego, at Mrs Zarębina’s house, where she rents a room1. (rb) (transl. ms)

See also: end of 1932*, spring 1933*, summer 1933*, December 1933*, end of 1935 / beginning of 1936*, 8 February 1936*, mid-January 1937*, 22 January 1937*, February/March 1937*, first quarter of 1937*, 1940*, 11 July 1991*. 

  • 1
    Aleksandra Bejowicz, “Zerwane zaręczyny z panną J.”, [in:] Teatr pamięci Brunona Schulza, edited by Jan Ciechowicz and Halina Kasjaniuk, Gdynia 1993, p. 97.