June 1933

Warsaw. Bruno Schulz visits Zofia Nałkowska.

In June 1933, Bruno Schulz spends several days in Warsaw*, and meets Zofia Nałkowska*. On 1 July, Nałkowska notes in her Diaries: “From this torment, a piece of sudden good breaks away: a few days of Bruno Schulz’s stay, and his letters. He is too fragile and weak to be a rescue to me – but the world of his thoughts gave me a counterweight and a respite”1. Schulz’s acquaintance with Nałkowska began in April 1933, when Schulz visited the writer, asking her to help with the publication of The Cinnamon Shops. (mr) (transl. mw


See also: 16 April 1933*, 19 July 1933*, 10 May 1934*, 19 May 1934*. 

  • 1
    Zofia Nałkowska, Dzienniki IV: 1930–1939. Część 1 (1930–1934), opracowanie, wstęp i komentarz Hanna Kirchner, Warszawa 1988, p. 378.