Cracow. The magazine Przekrój publishes an announcement in which Jerzy Ficowski asks readers for news about Bruno Schulz and his work.
The announcement reads as follows: “To all who are in possession of manuscripts (literary works, letters, etc.), [!] or drawings by Bruno Schulz, or they could give me information about himself and his work – would you please be willing to inform me about it at the following address: Włochy near Warsaw, ul. Wielkie Łuki 19, apartment 1. I need materials and information for my monograph on the work of Bruno Schulz”1. The editors of Przekrój add a title to the advert: “A Study of Schulz”. In response to the announcement in Przekrój, Michał Mirski*, Leon Cukierberg* and Emil Górski* write to Jerzy Ficowski. Similar advertisements were published in other periodicals: Kuźnica, Tygodnik Powszechny, Nowiny Literackie, Dziennik Polski and Odrodzenie. (mr) (transl. mw)
See also: 1942 or 1943*, 27 June 1948*.