January 30, 1904, Saturday

Drohobych. The first term of the 1904/1905 school year ends at the middle school Bruno Schulz is a student of.

Schulz receives the highest grade in Natural Science; very good in Polish, German and Drawing; good in Religious Education, Latin, Geography, History and Maths. A satisfactory grade in Gymnastics confirms his poor physical abilities mentioned by Michał Chajes*1. His manners are praiseworthy, and the order and diligence of his written work are assessed as good. According to the report, he is dilligent. He skipped five school hours that were excused. He receives “A” as the general grade.

See also: September 3, 1903, July 15, 1904. (kw) (transl. mw

  • 1
    See appendix to the letter from Michał Chajes to Jerzy Ficowski dated June 7, 1948.