18 April 1938, Monday

Warsaw. Zofia Nałkowska mentions her impressions from reading Sanatorium Under the Sign of the Hourglass.

The entry of 18 April 1938 contains a record of the way Nałkowska* interprets Sanatorium Under the Sign of the Hourglass. She writes: “I am alone, I read this second book by Schulz, and I am taken over, sometimes even enchanted, by the strangeness of this picture of the world”1. For Nałkowska, it was not the first reading of Sanatorium. In a letter to Romana Halpern of 21 February 1938 Schulz wrote: “Nałkowska sent me 4 or 5 of her books as rematch for my book. One has a dedication: “For B.S. with a far-reaching approval of His book’”2. (mr) (transl. mw)

  • 1
    Zofia Nałkowska, Dzienniki IV: 1930–1939. Część 2 (1935–1939), opracowanie, wstęp i komentarz Hanna Kirchner, Warszawa 1988, p. 302.
  • 2
    Letter from Bruno Schulz to Romana Halpern of 2 February 1938, [in:] Bruno Schulz, Dzieła zebrane, volume 5: Księga listów, zebrał i przygotował do druku Jerzy Ficowski, uzupełnił Stanisław Danecki, Gdańsk 2016, p. 167.