November 15, 1924, Saturday

Drohobych. The precinct informs the County Office that Bruno Schulz, both morally and politically, “behaves flawlessly” and has a good reputation among teachers of the Władysław Jagiełło Middle School. 

Jan Siara, a leader at the precinct, has no more than five days to investigate the Schulz case. He definitely visits the Jagiełło Middle School. Schulz has been working there for two and a half months and other teachers have already met him. Apparently, in his environment, artistic activities do not raise the slightest objections, including the exhibition of The Booke of Idolatry1. His love life, the backstage of which, according to Andrzej Chciuk, would later be widely known, does not generate any curiosity – after all, Schulz has recently become a so-called middle school professor2. Perhaps the bourgeoisie of Drohobych is not inclined to denounce a harmless artist to the authorities.


The head of the precinct signs the note (illegible signature) and there is an unknown annex.

See also: August 9, 1924*, August 21, 1924*, November 10, 1924*, November 21, 1924*. (kw) (transl. mw)

  • 1
    See Stanisław Rosiek, Odcięcie. Siedem fragmentów, “Schulz/Forum” 2016, no. 7, pp. 50–51. The date specified by Wojciech Chmurzyński as February 15, 1924 is incorrect. The opinion could not be issued earlier than the request for it had been made (cf. Letter from the precinct to the County Office in Drohobych with a positive opinion on “political and moral behaviour” of B. Schulz from February 15, 1924, cat. no. 620, [in:] Bruno Schulz 1892–1942. Katalog-Pamiętnik wystawy „Bruno Schulz. Ad Memoriam” w Muzeum Literatury im. Adama Mickiewicza, pod redakcją Wojciecha Chmurzyńskiego, Warszawa 1995, p. 77).
  • 2
    See: Andrzej Chciuk, Teka o Schulzu i o “Atlasie”, [in:] idem, Ziemia księżycowa. Druga opowieść o Księstwie Bałaku, London 1972, pp. 78–79.