August 10, 1926, Tuesday

Drohobych. The board of the Władysław Jagiełło Middle School asks the Board of the Lviv School District about the amount of stamp duty on Bruno Schulz’s salary.

Schulz’s remuneration for two months, from May 1 to June 30, resulting from the contract extended on June 30 for the upcoming school year 1926/1927, is 549 zlotys 52 groszy1.

See also: June 30, 1926*, July 3, 1926*, July 16, 1926*. (kw) (transl. mw)

  • 1
    A letter from the board of the Władysław Jagiełło Middle School to the Board of the Lviv School District from August 10, 1926, CPAHU-L, the Board of the Lviv School District of Lviv, 1921–1939, F 179, O 7, Volume XIII, file 29376, sheet 28.