Born in 1954 in Poznań. Professor at the Institute of Literary Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw (Theoretical Poetics Department).
For many years he has combined the duties of a documentalist and a bibliographer in Polska Bibliografia Literacka (Polish Literary Bibliography), where his main domain has been contemporary Polish literature studies. He focuses on texts that recorded the events of the 20th century. Such an approach is manifested in his books: Zmęczeni fabułą. Narracje osobiste w prozie po 1976 roku (1993), a publication on autobiographical prose of Tadeusz Konwicki, Kazimierz Brandys and Wiktor Woroszylski, and the monographs: Ocalony w gmachu wiersza. O poezji Stanisława Barańczaka (2007), and Poeta w labiryncie historii. Studia o pisarskich rolach Jerzego Ficowskiego (2017). Moreover, he has published a number of literary studies and critical essays devoted to, among others, Polish writers in exile (Konstanty Aleksander Jeleński, Czesław Miłosz, Aleksander Wat) and to the phenomenon of independent publishing circulation (“Między grypsem i literaturą. Epistolografia więzienna stanu wojennego”, „Druhý oběh a bibliografie mimocenzurních tisků: polská zkušenost”, „Il secondo circuito editoriale degli anni 1976–1989. La via alla società civile”). Occasionally, he focuses on literary criticism (Stefan Chwin, Miron Białoszewski, Jerzy Ficowski, Jakub Ekier, Wojciech Młynarski). In his bibliographic works, he participated as a co-author and editor in the publication of thirteen issues of the annual Polska Bibliografia Literacka and worked on two bibliographic monographs: Konstanty Aleksander Jeleński w wydawnictwach Instytutu Literackiego w Paryżu (2007) and Jerzy Ficowski. Bibliografia za lata 1947–2009 (2010). He has managed a project in the Institute of Literary Studies, which resulted in a 1156-page bibliography, Bez cenzury 1976–1989. Literatura – ruch wydawniczy – teatr (1999, joint authorship with Zyta Szymańska, in cooperation with Krystyna Tokarzówna, awarded in 2002 with the Aleksander Brückner Prize of the Polish Academy of Sciences in the field of the Humanities and Social Sciences. He has recently contributed to Polska Bibliografia Literacka – laboratorium wiedzy o współczesnej kulturze polskiej (Polish Literary Bibliography – a laboratory of knowledge on contemporary Polish culture), which is aimed at modernising and digitalising the database of Polska Bibliografia Literacka (PBL). In the Schulz project, he is responsible for editing all correspondence devoted to Bruno Schulz that is available in Jerzy Ficowski’s archive. (transl. mw)