Born in 1994. A Master’s student of Theatre Studies and Polish Studies at the Faculty of Languages of the University of Gdańsk.
Her two graduate dissertations will concern: Witkacy’s dramas, and the works of Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz in relation to funeral culture. A member of the Schulz Laboratory. She also cooperates with the “Brikolaż” Student Society for Theatre Studies. She has coordinated the organisation and artistic preparation of three performances arranged entirely by students of the University of Gdańsk (Wieczornica, czyli pokaz dziwolągów Witkacego; Maski; Pana Sienkiewicza podróż do Ameryki). She has also taken part in organising the academic conference Sienkiewicz (un)known („Sienkiewicz (nie)znany"). She works as a proofreader in the “12kamieni” foundation. (transl. mw)