8 October 1892, Saturday

Drohobych. Bruno Schulz’ parents, Jakub i Henrietta become married by law in Galicia.

According to an entry in the birth book of the Jewish registry district in Drohobych*, Bruno Schulz was an illegitimate child1. His parents, Jacob* and Henrietta*, entered into a marriage agreement, important from a religious point of view, but not recognized by the state authorities. It was not until 8 October 1892, as noted in the same record2 that they entered into a legally binding marriage agreement.


See also: 12 July 1892*, 17 November 1900*. (mr) (transl. ms)

  • 1
    Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych (AGAD), Księgi metrykalne gmin wyznania mojżeszowego z terenów tzw. „zabużańskich”, 1789–1943, sygn. 1/300/0/-/154, k. 86 [Central Archives of Historical Records (AGAD), record books of Jewish communities from the so-called “Bug River land”, 1789–1943, ref.no. 1/300/0/-/154, sheet 86]. See Jerzy Michalewicz, Żydowskie okręgi metrykalne i żydowskie gminy wyznaniowe w Galicji, Kraków 1995, p. 37.
  • 2
    According to the marriage certificate of 1892, card 8, item 29, the parents contracted a legal marriage on 8 October 1892 in Drohobych” (AGAD, ref.no. 1/300/0/-/154, sheet 86). Interestingly, a similar annotation can be found in Izydor Schulz’s birth certificate from 1881 (AGAD, ref. no. 1/300/0/-/142, sheet 140).