Drohobych. The board of Władysław Jagiełło School asks the Private Officers’ Retirement and Insurance Fund in Lviv to cover Bruno Schulz’s insurance costs.
The school asks for the advance payment for Bruno Schulz’s insurance in the amount of 34 zlotys (and not 36 as before) and the surplus of 20 zlotys and 22 groszy over the existing liabilities towards future contributions. Schulz and the school would pay half the advance payment; the surplus1 would be split between them.
As proof of payment of the overdue fees, the school board sends a paid 150-zloty bill. Schulz2 has already received a confirmation of a 350-zloty payment.
At the end of March, the case of outstanding fees is successfully closed3.
See also: February 10, 1926*, February 13, 1926*. (kw) (transl. mw)