10 September 1928, Monday

Lviv. Izydor Schulz is appointed to the Committee for the Construction of the Oil Pavilion in connection with organising the Polish General Exhibition in Poznań.

The National Oil Society in Lviv is appointing a committee to organise a collective exhibition of the oil industry. The exhibition is to be held during the General National Exhibition in Poznań (16 May – 30 September 1929), presenting the most important achievements of Poland reborn after world War I. 

The oil department would be presented in a separate pavilion. The committee, including Izydor Schulz, would develop the exhibition concept, arrange the space and issue a publication on the history of the Polish oil industry, together with a guidebook for the exhibition1. The exhibition, divided into seven sections, would consist of a film entitled “Kerosene – the source of energy”, charts, models, oil portraits, machines, tools and other exhibits provided by Polish oil companies2.

See also: 23 September 1925*, 11 June 1929*, 28 November 1934*. (ts) (transl. mw)

  • 1
    See Przemysł naftowy w Polsce. Zarys historii wraz z opisem techniki pracy w przemyśle naftowym uzupełniony przewodnikiem po pawilonie naftowym P.W.K, Lviv 1929 (available online: https://www.pbc.rzeszow.pl/dlibra/publication/2636/edition/2452/content?ref = desc).
  • 2
    Ryszard Dittrich, Działalność Krajowego Towarzystwa Naftowego w r. 1928, “Przemysł Naftowy. Zeszyt jubileuszowy wydany z okazji 50-lecia Krajowego Towarzystwa Naftowego” 1929, p. 317–318 (available online: https://delibra.bg.polsl.pl/dlibra/publication/46972/edition/42877/content).